Journal prompts for anger

Anger is one of the most difficult and often stigmatized emotions my clients struggle with. For many, it carries associations with toxic masculinity or memories of men who felt intimidating or unsafe. But anger itself isn’t bad — no emotion is. Some feelings may be easier to sit with than others, but all are part of the full human experience. By approaching anger with curiosity rather than judgment, we can expand our capacity to acknowledge and understand it. The following journal prompts are designed to help you explore your anger — where it lives in your body, how it shows up, and what it might be trying to tell you — without shame or suppression.

Which friends or family members are good role models for dealing with anger? If none come to mind, consider characters in movies or books, or create your own archetype.

When in life have you felt the most anger? How did you handle it?

Write a letter to your anger. What do you want your anger to know about you in this moment? You can write about anger involving a specific situation, or you can write to it in general. Whatever works for you.

How does your body feel when you’re angry?

What should you avoid when you’re feeling angry?

How can you be kind to yourself in angry moments? What can you love about yourself?

What do you have control over? What do you not have control over?

What can you forgive yourself (or someone else) for that you’ve been holding on to?

Have you ever been angry and in pain at the same time? Did the anger outweigh the pain or vice versa? How did both make you feel, and how did you cope?


Emotional regulation and grief